Encounter God
and find freedom

Are you feeling far from God?

Are there areas in your life that you’re struggling with and want to change?

Are you feeling overwhelmed, disconnected, tormented or broken?

A prayer session is a space just for you to encounter God and hear his voice.

During this time God can speak to us about things that have got in the way of our relationship with him.

Through prayer these can be dealt with so that you can walk in the freedom that God has for you.

Encounter Prayer sessions are 90 minute sessions are led by two experienced team members who will support and pray with you. We come alongside you in the process of hearing God. As you connect with God personally and encounter Him at a deep level, youcan experience healing and freedom.

If you’re in need of prayer sooner, we also offer Prayer in 10, a free 10-minute session for quick prayer and support. It’s a great option while you wait for your 90-minute session. You can book your Prayer in 10 or your Encounter prayer below.

Stories of Hope


  • Yes! Everything you say will stay between you, God and the two people who are supporting you in your guided prayer. The only time this does not apply is if you disclose to us that you are planning to harm someone or yourself.

  • Please book just one session and were can arrange a follow up if you need one after your initial session.

  • Yes. You will have two people who are trained to guide you in prayer. The training process takes around 1 year to complete and is incredible thorough.

  • Nothing, just yourself.

  • We would suggest that you pray before the session and if you feel led you can also fast.

At Live Free

We want to help you go deeper in your relationship with God and for you to develop a personal interactive relationship with Him. A relationship where you can hear His voice and feel the depth of His love and care for you. We are also here to help you deal with any stress, anxiety or anger that is troubling you.

Think of us as your personal and spiritual coach who will help you go deeper in your relationship with God and free yourself from the problems that are overwhelming you.





Freedom • Healing • Growth •

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