Live Free is for the spiritually thirsty,
the ones yearning to encounter Jesus,
in a fresh and new way.

This ministry is incredible - a very 'for now' gift to the church. Thank you so much!

Live Free exists to

See people restored and come alive in Christ.

Expose the lies that stop us from being who God created us to be.

Help you be free from the pain of the past, so that you can walk into your future with God.

Prayer Sessions

A prayer session is a space just for you to encounter God and hear his voice. During this time God can speak to us about things that have got in the way of our relationship with him. Through prayer these can be dealt with so that you can walk in the freedom that God has for you. The sessions are led by two experienced team members who will pray and support you.

Stories of Hope

“My prayer session was JUST what I needed, a space to share what was going on in my life. For God’s love to pour into me and to know that he is always with me!” Lucy

“It was an incredibly freeing experience, I came out feeling totally changed, totally free, lighter and happier.” David

I am so glad the Lord directed me to the Live Free Encounter. It was totally led by the Holy Spirit. It was also the first time in my entire life I can recall becoming aware of where the Lord Jesus was in the room.” Kantu


Live Free Events


Live Free Courses


Equip your team

At Live Free

We want to help you go deeper in your relationship with God and for you to develop a personal interactive relationship with Him. A relationship where you can hear His voice and feel the depth of His love and care for you. We are also here to help you deal with any stress, anxiety or anger that is troubling you.

Think of us as your personal and spiritual coaches who will help you go deeper in your relationship with God and free you from the problems that are overwhelming you.


Be Filled

Be Known


Be Filled • Be Known • Believe •