It is time for a fresh outpouring and just as Holy Spirit is on the move in Surprise’s ministry in South Africa, it is his heart for us to experience that fire and glory here too. Surprise will impart, ignite and fresh us all through the power of Holy Spirit on the 1st December to strengthen us as we head into the New Year.
Surprise is one of the Trustees of Live Free Foundation. He was called by God at a young age of 15 when the Lord told him to leave everything behind, follow Jesus, and preach the gospel wherever he went. In 1997, God sovereignly connected Surprise with Heidi and Rolland Baker of IRIS Ministries and he became a founding member, helping oversee the rapidly spreading revival in southern Africa.
Surprise has a passion for Jesus that drives him to the darkest and most unreached areas of the world. As the International Director of Pastors for Iris Ministries, he speaks seventeen languages, mostly all supernaturally received, and has been instrumental in starting over 15,000 churches across Africa and further afield. He and his wife, Trythina, have five children and live in Nelspruit, South Africa, where they direct the work of Iris-Africa and Partners in Harvest, run their own orphanage, School of the Supernatural and Bible school and impact South Africa, for Jesus.
Date: Wednesday 1st December 2021
Time: 6:45pm for 7 pm start - 9.00 pm GMT+0
Location: This event will once again take place via Livestream as Surprise is still in South Africa. You will receive an email with the link for the live event on the day before 5.30pm if you have registered.